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Grant Applications

 Prior to lodging an application for a grant, it is recommended that all applicants read the Air Rescue Services Ltd Authorised Purpose information, and Donation Conditions and Guidelines to ensure eligibility for an Air Rescue Services Ltd grant.

Air Rescue Services Ltd Authorised Purpose

To assist in the provision and development of rescue and medical equipment operated by the Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust. Includes, but is not limited to, the provision of winch training and helicopter expenses. Donations to bona fide charitable, educational, sports, cultural and community organisations within the local community. Excludes payments to professional sportspeople. 

Air Rescue Services Ltd may distribute funds to assist in the provision and development of rescue and medical equipment and services supported by the Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust. Includes, but is not limited to, the provision of crew training and rescue helicopter expenses.

Funds may also be distributed to bona fide charitable, educational, sport, cultural and community organisations within the local community. Excludes payments to professional sportspersons.

Funds may be distributed for stake money and for the provision and maintenance of grounds, buildings and facilities, where these are primarily used for race meetings. Excludes payments to professional jockeys, horse or greyhound owners and trainers and excludes payments for activities or expenses in connection with the breeding of racehorses or greyhounds.

Air Rescue Services Ltd may distribute or apply funds to any of the purposes outlined above that are consistent with the terms of its constitution. Examples may include, but are not limited to, the purchase of land and the development and maintenance of sporting or other facilities that benefit the community; the establishment of academic or sporting scholarships for young persons that are fair, open, and equitably assessed or the payment or capitation of other levies to any not-for-profit national body or association.

Donation Conditions and Guidelines

It is a condition that any allocation of funds must be applied by the recipient to the specific purpose stated in their application form, and for no other purpose whatsoever. Acceptance of the payment will be deemed to confirm that the allocation has or will be applied accordingly.

Grant recipients will be required to submit supplier invoices/receipts, and such other information as may be required by Air Rescue Services Ltd, to confirm the approved expenditure of allocated grant funding.

Grants payments will not be made retrospectively.

There must be no personal or commercial gain or benefit resulting from an Air Rescue Services Ltd grant. Grant applications which may result in personal or commercial gain will not be considered. Grants received from a public authority are liable for GST if the recipient is registered for GST.

Air Rescue Services Ltd's records, and those of its grant funding recipients, are liable to inspection by the Department of Internal Affairs, and are subject to audit. All grant applications must contain a signed 'Consent to Audit'.

Air Rescue Services Ltd will review and consider all applications for grant funding, however is not obliged to meet all funding requests.
Decisions on funding allocations are made at the complete discretion of Air Rescue Services Ltd's Grants Committee.

Venue operators and venue staff are not involved in the grants process.

Grant Application Form

We have moved to an online grants system.

Please note: hard copies of the grant applications will NO LONGER be accepted. Please apply online.

Applying online is quicker and easier for you, and we can process your application quicker.

You will still need to provide the same information and documents as before.

Document Checklist:

  • Proof of bank account - pre-printed bank deposit slip or statement. 
  • Resolution (for schools signed by Principal and a listed Board Member)
  • Consent to Audit declaration (Consent to Audit template here) *Please note this must be completed a new every time you apply* 
  • Two competitive quotes
  • Incorporation Certificate, Charities Certificate, Income Tax Exemption letter (or Constitution/Trust Deed)
  • Affiliation letter
  • Financial Statements
  • Event evidence (including dates)
If you have any questions, call us on 03 3549566.
Accountability declaration template here

Grant Processing

Grant Applications received by Air Rescue Services Ltd will first be checked for eligibility and to ensure that all necessary information has been provided.
If an application is found to be incomplete, the society may be contacted and requested to provide such information as is considered necessary.
The Air Rescue Services Ltd Grants Committee meets around the 20th of each month to discuss and consider all grant applications received.

Applications close on the 1st of each month (see meeting schedule), and any received after this time will be presented for consideration at the following months meeting. Air Rescue Services Ltd strongly recommends that funding applications be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to the planned expenditure.
Air Rescue Services Ltd will not approve applications whereby the expenditure has already taken place.
All decisions on funding allocation will be notified in writing (email) within 5 working days of the Directors/Grants Committee meeting. Grant payments will be made directly to the recipient's bank account by direct credit.
Societies whose funding applications are declined by the Air Rescue Services Ltd Directors/Grants Committee will be notified in writing (email) within 5 working days of the decision.

Interpretation of 'Authorised Purposes'

Proceeds from gaming machines can only be utilised for the 'Authorised Purpose', defined in the Gambling Act 2003 as “any charitable, philanthropic, cultural or party political purpose, or any other purpose that is beneficial to the community or any part of it”. 

Authorised Purposes must benefit the community and not result in any commercial or personal gain. 

The following are examples provided by the Department of Internal Affairs which are NOT ACCEPTABLE Authorised Purposes:

Purposes which will result in a clear personal or commercial gain for any individual or organisation, eg

  • Grants for individual sports persons, unless the grant is made to, and administered by, an incorporated sporting body to which the individual is affiliated. If the individual is participating in a sports event that attracts prizes, all prizes must be forfeited to that sporting body.

  • Grants to further the activities of professional sports persons (except where such a donation is made for a coaching, training or development purpose for an amateur sport or community organisation).

  • Purchase or subsidy of vehicles to be used for private or commercial activities, or social functions.

  • Hotel “courtesy vans” used to ferry patrons homes, or vehicles for motorsport. 

  • Funding to cover cash prizes or large non-cash prizes. 

  • The promotion of tourism, except where what is being promoted is a public amenity such as a park or museum.

  • “Trade Tournaments” or sporting events staged primarily for publicity and/or the benefit of a select/invited industry group.

The Racing Industry

  •  Payments other than stake money to horse or greyhound owners or trainers.

  • Payments to professional jockeys.

  • Activities or expenses in connection with the breeding of racehorses or

Groups, events or trips which are predominantly social in nature and facilities to provide for such groups/events (unless the beneficiaries are a needy group such as underprivileged children or the elderly).

This may include:

  • Family Reunions. 

  •  Social Clubs and Sports Supporters Clubs. 

  •  Sporting trips for supporters or spectators.

  • Costs associated with staging “after-match” functions for sporting groups. 

  •  Provision or subsidy for costs of entertainment, food or refreshments.

Availability of Net Proceeds

Air Rescue Services Ltd makes available the net proceeds from gaming activity at its member venues at intervals of not more than 6 weeks.
The results are published quarterly on this website (see Grant Distributions).


If you have an enquiry, or wish to make a complaint about the grant distribution process, please submit this in writing to PO Box 20326, Bishopdale, Christchurch 8543.
Complaints will be assessed by the General Manager and referred to the Directors for prompt resolution. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved by discussion between the parties, independent mediation will be sought to resolve any outstanding issues.