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Actively Supporting Our Communities

Air Rescue Services Ltd was incorporated in February 2002 for the purpose of operating gaming machines to raise funds for distribution to charitable and community organisations throughout the Canterbury, West Coast, Marlborough, Wellington, Manawatu-Wanganui, Hawkes Bay, and Auckland regions of New Zealand.

Net proceeds from the operation of gaming machines at our Member Venues are returned in the form of grants. The company's primary funding objective is to support the vital community work and development of rescue and medical equipment and services in the Canterbury, West Coast, Marlborough, Wellington, Manawatu-Wanganui, Hawkes Bay, and Auckland regions.  However, grants are also made to other community groups and organisations that qualify for grant assistance under the company's legislated Authorised Purpose.

We have moved to an online grants system.

Please note: hard copies of the grant applications will NO LONGER be accepted.
Please apply online.

Applying online is quicker and easier for you, and we can process your application quicker.

You will still need to provide the same information and documents as before. 

If you have any questions, call us on 03 3549566.